
Showing posts from June, 2017

Latest Posts!

This post is intended to show you what I have done the past few weeks and why I chose to do the type of blog that I did. Check out my archives if you haven't already ready all of my posts! Here we go! My first post: "About me" Why does anyone do an about me post? Well, of course, to show everyone that reads your blog to learn about the person making the blog. I love that people could get to know about me through the post. Homemade vs, Store Bought: I chose to do this post because my entire baking life is about baking everything from scratch. Of course I have made things from the store, but it's just not fun when you do that. Everything ends up totally better when you make it from scratch. Top 7 Key Baking Tips: I chose this post because who doesn't need a couple good tips while baking! I love to just look at what other bakers have as their tips because it just really shows what kind of ba


Anyone out there a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Lover?? Talk about a good product recommendation, CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES. Man were these things good. And YES they are from the one and only Bakerella. I am going to give you guys the recipe to try, but I tried these a couple of months back, and man were they good. Talk about mouth watering goodies. If you are a peanut butter lover like me, then you will LOVE these. Servings:   18 cupcakes INGREDIENTS CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES 1 1/2 cups   all-purpose flour 2/3 cup   cocoa 1 1/3 cups   sugar 1 teaspoon   baking soda 1/2 teaspoon   baking powder 1/2 teaspoon   salt 2   eggs 1/3 cup   oil 1 teaspoon   vanilla 2/3 cup   milk 2/3 cup   hot water PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 1/2 cup   butter, room temperature 1/2 cup   sugar 1/2 cup   packed brown sugar 2/3 cup   creamy peanut butter 1   egg 1 teaspoon   vanilla 1 1/4 cup   all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon   baking soda 1/2 teaspoon   baking powder 1/4 teaspoon

My Baking Addiction: Buttercream Frosting

Hey guys! Me again! I wanted to take today to post about a great blogger that I have seriously followed ever since I got into baking! She is awesome and I want you to check her out! She is a serious baker, but she also posts about her life on her blog too. She has lots of great and exciting ideas that I believe will make you get excited (I know it does for me). I will link her website down below so you can check it out. Today, I am going to talk about one of her posts that I have lived by these last couple of years. Buttercream Frosting. When I was younger, I thought that frosting was the hardest thing to make. My grandma could always whip it up in seconds, but nope, not me. It took me so much longer, and I felt that it never tasted as good as hers did. If you have had the same issues that I have had, stop right here, because all of your problems are solved! I have lived by this recipe ever since I found it. It is so good and she has explained it so great on this post. I think that s

Cupcakes from Scratch Since I did a post about Homemade vs. Store Bought, I figured that I could show you guys a video on how to make cupcakes from scratch. I love this video! I like the way that the lady, Laura, prepares the cupcakes, and my recipe for them are basically the same for how she does them. First off, she starts out with explaining what she is going to make. She is mixing it all with a Kitchen Aid mixer, which is probably my favorite thing about the video. Haha! Just kidding, but I seriously love that she is using that just like I do for the most part. She also starts out with the same thing just like me. I was looking through some videos about how some people make them, and they started out with the flour and went from there. NEVER would I EVER start with the flour, unless I was separating the bowls for some reason. My reasoning behind this is that I always say to start with the wet ingredients and go from there. If you start with the dry, the wh

New Happenings - STAY TUNED

Hey guys, Emilyn here! Just wanted to take a second to chit-chat about changes that I have made to my blog lately. I am thinking about adding a couple of different options to the blog and making it a little more interactive. I am thinking about adding in a subscription service that you are notified about each time I post so that you can come see me right when I post!? Also, I recently added a new option to my sidebar in the blog, a Top Posts link that will provide you with all the top posts that I have posted in the last 7 days. I am hoping to keep it up to date so that it keeps you interested and ready for new recipes and tips! Also I recently posted about a blog that I have reviewed called Bakerella. If you have heard of her or are interested in seeing what she has to offer take a look at my previous blog, I will link it below but it is also in my top posts link on my page! More good news coming to you guys. I am happy to announce that I will be creating all social media for my w

Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes First, I just wanted to start off with the link that I am going to talk about today. This blog is going to be about a recipe I tried recently, that I was so extremely impressed with. Well, it was yummy, but man was it hard to make. I am going to talk about the Pros and Cons of this recipe. Pros: 1. YUMMY. Man, were these Cupcakes good. They tasted just like a real cinnamon roll straight out of the oven. 2. Perfect amount of batter. Sometimes when following other people's recipes, they don't always make the perfect amount of batter for the cupcake liners, but this batter amount was perfect for the cupcakes! 3. Timing. They timed the amount of time to keep it in the oven perfectly. The cupcakes were just right taking them out of the oven. Cons: 1. Too many steps.  There were WAY too many steps to this recipe. First, you had to make the Cinnamon Sugar Swirl, and the batter, and the filling... Like I said,


I am very fond of reading blogs, and I always have been. I believe that seeing other people's ideas and niches is very fascinating. I decided to read over one of my favorite baking bloggers, and really look into how they set up their blog and how they get readers to keep reading. Bakerella is by far my favorite baking blogger. "This site focuses on fun and easing baking. You'll find ideas for cake pops, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and more. You may even find yourself smiling from all the sweetness." The first think that you realize when you open up the blog is the home page, and it is filled with sweets and goodness. I love that the front page, along with the entire blog, is so colorful, inviting, and original. Angie, the creator of Bakerella, has an about page that you can go to and read that she seems like a very happy and inviting person. The pages of the blog include Sweet Stuff, Pops & Bites, Themes & Holidays, Books & More, and of course the about and

5 Things People Don't Know about Bakers

Stereotypes. Many things that surround our world today. I feel like people these days give everyone and everything a stereotype. There are many, many things that people stereotype bakers on, but there are also many, many things that people don't know about bakers. 1. We are not OCD. Yes, you read that right. Bakers have a stereotype that everything has to go completely right and that you have to measure everything to the exact teaspoon. NO. Bakers are very, very easy going with measuring specifically. For example, if a recipe asks for 1 teaspoon of something, almost every baker just guesstimates how much one teaspoon is. 2. But, we are OCD at the same time. Yeah, I know, I am contradicting myself. We are OCD with stuff that we aren't with other stuff. Like if someone uses our Kitchen Aid mixer wrong, man oh man, you are going to get the evil eye. Or we burn our cookies because we were too busy making somethings, we go INSANE.  3. We actually don't want help. Not

Top 7 Key Baking Tips

Many bakers have their own quirks and remedies that they like to use based upon how they bake. I too have my own tips and little baking things that I have acquired over the years that I have been baking. I hope that other bakers find this helpful and use some of them while baking! 1. Kitchen Aid Mixer : First off, a Kitchen Aid Mixer is an absolute MUST. I just recently got one for Christmas last year and it has changed my life so much. I use it every time I bake. It mixes everything so much better than an actual spoon or a handheld mixer. 2. Butter Spoons : ALWAYS butter your spoons before you use them to mix anything. If you don't they will always stick to the batter, especially if the batter is a sticky one. 3. Parchment Paper: Parchment paper is seriously a must for cookies and other baking goods. It works the best for cooling and for cookies to easily come off the paper. 4. Pampered Chef Ice Cream Scoop : When I make cupcakes I always use my Pampered Chef ice cream sc

Homemade vs. Store Bought

All bakers always have this in the back of their mind. Store Bought baked goods vs. Homemade. Ever since I started baking, almost everything my family and I make have been homemade. First, what exactly does homemade mean? Homemade baked goods means that everything that the baker used to make that baked good was just a pure ingredient from the store. Meaning that they didn't buy a boxed package of cake, instead they bought the ingredients all separately and then put their own homemade touch into it. Personally, I like homemade better for many, many reasons.   PROS: 1. Personal Satisfaction : The first reason being that you get to put your own personal touch into the baked good. You get the personal satisfaction knowing that you put your all into that cake and that someone else didn't make it.  2. Taste : Another reason would be the fact that it tastes way better than the boxed version. The cake will have so much more flavor and it doesn't taste so artificial. 

About Me!

Hello there! My name is Emilyn. Yes, there is an N at the end of Emily. It is pronounced Em-uh-lynn.  Anyways... I have lived in a small town my whole life and tend to move to a bigger city once I am done with my degree. I want more options besides the options that my small little town gives me. I am also hoping that I will be able to travel in the near future and explore this amazing world. I am a huge family person and will always be. I currently live with my boyfriend of a little over 5 years, and wouldn't have it any other way. I have a huge interest in baking and have really always had an interest in it. My family started "baking day" when I was a kid. All the women and kids in the family would get together one day before the holidays and just bake all day. We still do it to this day and I love every second of it. I have been pretty self taught, besides what my family has taught me. I picked up more on cupcakes a couple of years ago. I have watched Cupcakes Wars ev